CD Launch Event
CD was launched at a special promotional event at The
Oldknows Studio, in St.Annes, Nottingham, on Saturday 20th July
Around 70 guests enjoyed
an evening of music (two 1-hour sets by Z00), audio-visual presentation,
art and fine wine.

Release (109k pdf file)
Flyer (275k pdf file)
from the launch
Interview with Simon
It was only on the night of the launch that we became aware that 20th
July 2002 marked the 33rd anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. We
used images from the NASA web site for the CD packaging and on this web
site, but had no idea about this coincidence. Some things were just meant
to be...
Our sincere thanks to 'bar staff' and CD sellers Charlotte, Jo, Neil and
Sue; Nigel and Nathan from Cheeki
Monki for the superb lighting and projection; Ian and Paul for roady-ing;
and to everyone who turned out on a damp, cool summer's evening to support
